Posts Tagged hamster

Louie & Lala

Nyepi have long gone, and after coming back from Surabaya, i brought my self another winter white hamster, a pearl male, named Louie, and a couple of robo, Nilla (white-face) and Choki (normal).

After days trying to match him with the girls, the results is:
With Mimi, well, its a total chaos. Everytime Mimi sees him, Mimi would jump at him and kick his ass >.<
With Jojo, its kinda hard to say, but they are definately not friendly 😦
With Lala, now this is a match from Heaven, or so i hope. They did fight a little, but nothing chaotic.

At first, Lala was all dominant, trotting around Louie’s place, then pushing him down, pat his tummy and sniffing him up. But after 2 days of warm ups, its Louie’s turn chasing her around. I don’t know whether they “did” it yet. But i certainly hope so. Cause i simply cannot wait for their cute sweet tiny litter 🙂

Anyway, wish me luck!!! ^_^

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Mencari Hamster Winter White Male

I’ve been thinking, and thinking, and thinking again.
Then i decided to breed my 3 females Winter White, they’re pearl, normal and blue argente and so tame, they rarely bite.

Mimi, Jojo and Lala is getting old, what if i cannot find such sweet lil winter white like them anymore. I need to find them a Mate!!!

Smsed org yg jual winter white di kerobokan. Messaged cewe yg di blognya dulu cari ham2, yg katanya sih skg uda punya 37. Tapi kok semuanya belum ada yang balas sih! sebel!

Why oh why, when i finally decided to breed them, when i already brace my self through papa mama’s attack, malah skg di contact ga ada yg bales, arggghhhh…

Now this got me thinking, knp sih gw dulu ga beli sepasang, toh gimana2 spy ga mbrojol mulu, kan bisa gw pisahin jg, instead of these 3 females, but stupid damn internet info yg bilang klo winter white are docile enough to be put in the same place if they’re the same sex.


hhhhhh…. tenang, penyesalan ga ada gunanya… tunggu aja balesan mereka… nunggu… nunggu….

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