Batuk ga sembuh2

Jadi bulan lalu tuh aku batuk pilek, agak lama akhirnya sembuh, tapi sembuh itu masih batuk2. Seakan2 mau keluarin dahak tapi ga bisa2. Biasanya setiap sesudah makan atau waktu mau tidur. Trus lama2 sampe muntah2 mau keluarin dahak. Capeeekk bgt batuk2 berusaha mengeluarkan sesuatu. Masa sdh minun bisolvon 1 botol, ob herbal 2botol, silex 1 botol, louhanquo entah brp byk ga sembuh2. Eh ketemy foto obat dr dokter dulu. Trs minun ini br 1x sdh g batuk2. Trs pas batuk ada yg keluar dahaknya sekali tanpa hrs batuk keras. Dulu sih sama dokter dikasi sirup ini, obat racik sama cetirizine (anti histamin, sama kaya zyrtec). Mudah2an sembuh dgn yg ini.




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Burn day 8

G ada sakit sama sekali. Gatal dikit2 klo pas ada tg nyentuh/gesek, rasanya sakit2 enak jgn stop hehehe. Blisters semua sdh kempes dan rata. Sementara msh tetep cm dibilas aquabides aja sama hari ini cm dikasi minyak tawon aja. Kulitnya separuh msh agak merah cm g bgt sakit klo ditekan. Klo yg separuh yg g merah tuh malah jd agak tebal dan kering (dry). Msh berfikir apa perlu aloe atau mulai pake krim penghilang luka ya.










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Burn day 7

No pain. Bisa kerja normal seharian. Kadang agak gatel. Malamnya setelah buka perban gatel bgt (kyknya krn kesentuh pas oles aloe dan mintak tawon). Dan gatalnya sampe susah bobo krn yg g blister g diperban. Cm dilapisi vaseline jelly. Yg g blister dan merah klo ditekan agak sakit tp curiga kyknya merah sakit krn nempel di perban sblmnya. Trs yg msh kembung dikiri itu ditekan pake tangan langsung mengalir keluar tanpa perlu ditusuk.










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Burn Day 6

Msh ada blisters tp g se-full kmrn. Trs yg ditusuk tetep pake ssd. Yg g ditusuk pake aloe. Trs semua mulai dilumuri minyak tawon (adem rasanya) krn si mbak n ce L blg boleh pake itu. Antibiotik terakhir. Kaki g sakit spt kmrn. Cm dikit2 aja pas air blister mengalir. Tumit yg g kuat. Blister ditekan msh agak sakit meski g separah kmrn. Sore agak gatal.


Subuhnya blister sdh kempes sisa dikit. Notice air nya encer spt air. Minyak tawon proven bagus spy perban g sticky. Trs blisternya ditekan g rasa sakit!






Apakah kaki membaik krn minyak tawon atau aloe? Apa kulit yg kempes kudu diapain? Krn g rata. Hmmmm

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Needle sharp lower left chest pain

So, I’ve been experiencing needle-like pain on my lower left chest everytime I inhale.
I think i’ve had it since i was small (maybe around 4th grade)
It occurs randomly, for around 1minutes.
This week i’ve had it all 5day and it hurts.

Then yesterday, when i experience the pain,  i suddenly had the urge to sneeze.
It is so painful, i am torn between trying to sneeze or to stop it as it hurt as i take a deeper breath.

Then i sneeze (it hurts!!!) but when i sneeze, i feel like a pop where i feel the pain, its like when you pop your knuckles. but after that, the pain is gone, just like that.

So, i google around, and lots of people are experiencing this kind of pain, but i can’t seem what cause it.
Until i find this page about Precordial Catch Syndrome

Luckily they said that its harmless but they don’t have a cure yet and is still unclear. Here’s what it says:

Do you ever get a piercing pain in your chest, usually on your left side under your rib, which almost feels like a bubble ready to burst?It causes you to catch your breath, and you try not to breathe in or breathe out too much because it’s extremely painful either way. You take short, staggered breaths and try not to move. Finally, you work up the courage to take a sharp inhale or exhale. You feel a sensation similar to a bubble bursting and the pain is gone.

What is this strange sensation that is so painful and uncomfortable? It is actually a very common condition and most people have experienced it. The medical term for this occurrence is Precordial Catch Syndrome.

Many people mistakenly believe that they are having a heart attack at the onset of this type of pain. While the pain is strong and located in an area that would seem like the heart, this condition is not a heart attack, nor is it heart related.

Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS) is the most common cause of recurring chest pain. It is also sometimes known as “a stitch in the side” or “Texidor’s twinge”. It occurs most often in children and teenagers, but does persist into adulthood as well. The pain occurs just under the left nipple, near where you feel the heart beat most strongly on the front of the chest, and comes on very suddenly.

Nerve DiagramThis extremely sharp pain causes a person to not want to move or breathe. This is where the “catch” part of the name is derived. Any movement or breathing only seems to intensify the pain. The pain usually lasts for around 30 seconds to 1 minute before disappearing. Sometimes the pain will suddenly disappear upon taking a strong breath or moving suddenly as well. This can almost feel like a pop of an imaginary bubble.  After the pain is gone, there is usually a dull ache that lingers.

These onsets of pain can occur frequently, sometimes several times a day, and can occur when exercising, resting, or when in virtually any other state. Doctors have not been able to correlate PCS with any particular triggers, such as heavy activity or the like. However, there are some doctors that believe things like heavy or irregular breathing or even posture could play some type of role in bringing about an episode of PCS.

At this time, doctors and researchers do not know what causes the pain associated with PCS. The most accepted theory is that the pain is the result of a pinched nerve somewhere. Due to the fact that the onsets of PCS are so quick and disappear just as quickly, it’s hard for doctors to actually see the condition in action.

While doctors aren’t sure of the actual causes, they are sure that it poses no danger. They believe it to be a completely benign condition and is most certainly not cause for alarm. For this reason, there is not a lot of information or studies regarding the physical cause of PCS available. Doctors feel no need to intensify study of something they know to be only a minor inconvenience.

The only real worry is that sometimes, what seemed like PCS, could possibly turn out to be something more serious. The following are signs of more concerning illness:

– Chest pain that extends into the left side of the jaw or arm
– Chest pain that a person describes as a “heavy” feeling
– Pain that does not improve at least a little after 24 hours of regular doses of ibuprofen
– Fever
– Cough, especially a cough that produces phlegm (“flem,” or “flame”)
– Extreme anxiety with the pain or a feeling of “impending doom”
– Blueness or paleness of the lips or fingernails
– An irregular, rapid, or pounding heart rate
– Marked difficulty breathing or catching one’s breath (different from mild pain with breathing)

If any of these occur, please be sure to call your doctor’s office right away. These could be indications of a more serious and potentially threatening condition.

DoctorPeople experiencing PCS need no particular treatment at all. Usually, just the reassurance that they aren’t having something dangerous happening is all that they need to hear to set their minds at ease. PCS should not interfere with normal activity, and there’s no reason to use any form of medication.

If you are experiencing PCS, it may be worth a visit to the doctor just to go over the symptoms to be sure that it is not a different condition that could be more serious. Doctors can easily tell the difference between a serious heart condition and Precordial Catch Syndrome just by talking with the patient, and doing a physical examination.

In the meantime, you can rest assured that your extremely painful, stabbing feeling is completely normal and only a minor inconvenience. And remember, the key to getting rid of the pain quickly is to just work up the courage to take that deep breath, scream in pain, and be done with it.

So, if anyone is experiencing the same thing as i did, hope this info helps 🙂

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Louie & Lala

Nyepi have long gone, and after coming back from Surabaya, i brought my self another winter white hamster, a pearl male, named Louie, and a couple of robo, Nilla (white-face) and Choki (normal).

After days trying to match him with the girls, the results is:
With Mimi, well, its a total chaos. Everytime Mimi sees him, Mimi would jump at him and kick his ass >.<
With Jojo, its kinda hard to say, but they are definately not friendly 😦
With Lala, now this is a match from Heaven, or so i hope. They did fight a little, but nothing chaotic.

At first, Lala was all dominant, trotting around Louie’s place, then pushing him down, pat his tummy and sniffing him up. But after 2 days of warm ups, its Louie’s turn chasing her around. I don’t know whether they “did” it yet. But i certainly hope so. Cause i simply cannot wait for their cute sweet tiny litter 🙂

Anyway, wish me luck!!! ^_^

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Mencari Hamster Winter White Male

I’ve been thinking, and thinking, and thinking again.
Then i decided to breed my 3 females Winter White, they’re pearl, normal and blue argente and so tame, they rarely bite.

Mimi, Jojo and Lala is getting old, what if i cannot find such sweet lil winter white like them anymore. I need to find them a Mate!!!

Smsed org yg jual winter white di kerobokan. Messaged cewe yg di blognya dulu cari ham2, yg katanya sih skg uda punya 37. Tapi kok semuanya belum ada yang balas sih! sebel!

Why oh why, when i finally decided to breed them, when i already brace my self through papa mama’s attack, malah skg di contact ga ada yg bales, arggghhhh…

Now this got me thinking, knp sih gw dulu ga beli sepasang, toh gimana2 spy ga mbrojol mulu, kan bisa gw pisahin jg, instead of these 3 females, but stupid damn internet info yg bilang klo winter white are docile enough to be put in the same place if they’re the same sex.


hhhhhh…. tenang, penyesalan ga ada gunanya… tunggu aja balesan mereka… nunggu… nunggu….

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Korean Music & Dance

Lately i have been really into korean music, and they are great dancers as well ><
This started by a video linked posted by my friend, but since i surfed youtube, i found heaps more ^0^
I want to keep these links, but my facebook is already flooded with other videos, so i’ll post it here 🙂
Enjoy! ^^

Girl’s Generation(SNSD) – Sexy Dance (少女時代 소녀시대 HD hq live mv britney spears circus)

OMG!!! So COOL!!! ><
They are AWESOME!!!

SNSD — Tell Me Your Wish Genie at KBS2’s Music Bank

I loooveee their outfits, especially the pant ><
I wish i have great long legs like them T___T

SNSD – Genie MV

And here’s the Video Clip’s version 😀
Again, those legs T___T

Girls’ Generation (SNSD)- Gee Dance Version 2

Hahaha, funny yet cute, and love the bright and pastel color, nice formation 🙂

SHINee Star Dance Battle 090125

Shit! so H.O.T !!!
Too bad can’t really see the face of the leader (the one in the white shirt), he’s so COOL!!!

Hyo Yeon of SNSD dance wth Jaewon Black Beat

Nice 🙂

Dance Battle 2007 MKMF – SNSD,WG,Kara,Black Pearl

LMAO!!! Kim Bum’s expression is sooo funny!!!

090815 Kara – Mister (Full Version) @ Music Core

They are all so PRETTY!!! well, as they should be, already famous and all.
But what a great idea, a bunch of already famous girls forms a group, INCREDIBLE!
Couldnt take my eyes off them ><
They’re PERFECT!

KARA, BEG, 4MINUTE, 2NE1 – Special Stage(Aug 16, 2009)

SEXY!!! 4 Sexy Korean GIRLs with cool dance moves ><

T-ARA – Lies(Aug 16, 2009)

Not a great dance and prettiest girl and all, but I LOVE THE SONG!!!!

Girls Generation(SNSD) – Genie(Remix Ver.)(Aug 15, 2009)

Love their sailor outfits ^^
and again, great legs ><

[MV] Kara – Wanna [Eng-Subbed]

so PRETTY!!! BEAUTIFULL!!! omg, i love them ><

…. will add more later 🙂

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About Marriage 1

How true 😛

Old rule: To have a strong marriage, choose a partner who shares the same background as you.
New rule: For a strong union, it doesn’t matter if your backgrounds are different; your negotiating and compromising skills are more important.

How satisfied couples are in their relationship is less a result of how similar their expectations and values are in the first place. It’s much more influenced by how they positively resolve decisions that come up — from what religion to raise their children to how often in-laws should be visited, from the importance of education to the importance of career growth, says Epstein. A husband and wife with identical upbringings can turn out to have a difficult marriage if they also each have a dig-in-my-heels-to-get-my-way attitude. And a couple who comes from opposite sides of the planet will have an enriching relationship if their priority is to embrace their different backgrounds as a good thing, while growing their love through compromise.

One of the best ways to compromise on a difficult issue, Epstein recommends, is to each write out what your ideal outcome would be, followed by a list of small changes you’d be willing to make to move nearer to a compromise. Putting your thoughts on paper is important, continues Epstein, because it helps you stay focused on your main “bulleted” points, and, when your partner shares his written points with you, there’s less likelihood that you’ll get caught up over the semantics of speech. For example, if a husband, who comes from a large extended family, wants to brunch with the entourage every Sunday, but his new wife, who grew up an only child and prefers quieter outings, doesn’t want to commit to booking every weekend this way, a session with pen and paper can help them see that at least a few options are evident, says Epstein. They could cut down on the frequency of visiting his family to a more comfortable (for her) one Sunday a month. Or, instead of spending an entire afternoon eating and carousing, limit the get-together to an hour. Her husband could also see his family every other weekend by himself. And she could be flexible about visiting more for holidays and birthday celebrations.

Remember, it’s not so much what you bring to your marriage that counts, but what you make of it that ultimately matters.

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Marriage Quote

Amy Bloom: Love at first sight is easy to understand; it’s when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.

Ann Landers:All married couples should learn the art of battle as they should learn the art of making love. Good battle is objective and honest–never vicious or cruel. Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principle of equal partnership. Ann Landers Says Truth Is Stranger…, 1968

Booth Tarkington:An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband.

Danny DeVito:There are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won’t stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won’t go? The War of the Roses

Joseph Barth:Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.

Joyce Brothers:My husband and I have never considered divorce… murder sometimes, but never divorce.

Louis K. Anspacher:Marriage is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal, the dependence mutual, and the obligation reciprocal.

Mark Twain:After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her. Adam, in Adam’s Diary

Mark Twain:Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.

Mignon McLaughlin:A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

Nanette Newman:A good marriage is at least 80 percent good luck in finding the right person at the right time. The rest is trust.

Robert C. Dodds:The goal in marriage is not to think alike, but to think together.

Simone Signoret:Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. That is what makes a marriage last –more than passion or even sex!

Peter F. Drucker:Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans. ~

Barnett R. Brickner: Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.

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