Star Dust

Star Dust

Star Dust

I just watched this movie yesterday by accident.
And suprisingly, i think this movie is the BEST fantasy movie ever!!!
Since it is extremely rare to find a fantasy movie that is funny, cool and beautifull at the same time.
And the story itself was GREAT!!!

Here goes the Synopsis:

One evening in the small English village of Wall (so called because of the nearby stone wall that is actually a border with another world), young Dunstan Thorn sneaks past the guard at the hole in the wall to see what is on the other side. In the market village near the wall he meets a witch’s slave girl (Kate Magowan), who coyly claims to be a captive princess and asks if he will be her rescuer. The couple met for only one night and fell in love instantly. Nine months later the wall guard arrives at Dunstan’s door with a baby in a basket, saying his name is Tristan.

The story jumps eighteen years later to Tristan Thorn (Charlie Cox) as a young man. He is a shop boy and is totally infatuated with the prettiest girl in the village, Victoria (Sienna Miller). But Tristan has a rival in Humphrey, who Victoria prefers and who humiliates Tristan in front of her, using his wealth and fencing skills. One night, Tristan convinces Victoria to come out to a night time picnic to look at the stars. The conversation is awkward between the two, as they talk about who is willing to go farther for Victoria’s affection.

Under the same stars, on the other side of the wall in Stormhold, the King (Peter O’Toole) is on his deathbed, in the company of his still-surviving sons. The King takes the Power of Stormhold, a large ruby, and throws it out into the night sky, declaring that “he of royal blood” who first finds the ruby will become the next ruler of Stormhold. The stone turns clear and shoots up into the sky, colliding with a star, which then falls down to Earth.

Tristan, desperate to win Victoria’s affection, claims he will bring to her the fallen star by her birthday, as that is the only way she will agree to marry him. After Tristan fails to slip past the guard at the wall, his father gives him a note and a Babylon candle his mother left to him when he was a baby. Tristan lights the Babylon candle to go to her, but accidentally thinks about the star, and is magically transported to the star’s impact area in the kingdom of Stormhold. Tristan soon determines that the star is not what he expected: The star is actually a beautiful, immortal and spirited young woman named Yvaine (Claire Danes).

Determined to win Victoria’s heart, Tristan uses the enchanted silver chain, which his father obtained trying to free the princess, to link Yvaine to himself. He promises Yvaine he will use the last of the magic candle to send her back to the sky after he has taken her to Victoria. However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. Yvaine is in terrible danger: three witches known as “The Lilim” — Mormo, Empusa and the eldest and the most powerful, Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer) — want her so they can recover their beauty and eternal youth by devouring the star’s heart. Additionally, the surviving sons of the King are looking for the stone that Yvaine wears (the one that knocked her out of the sky).

The witch sisters select Lamia to seek the star, and she uses what’s left of the heart from a previous star to restore her youth and beauty. After using runes to determine the star’s location, Lamia meets Ditchwater Sal, the witch who is keeping Tristan’s mother captive. Sal drugs Lamia’s food with a magical substance that causes her to speak only the truth, forcing Lamia to blurt out the story of the fallen star. Sal plots to find the star first and restore her own youth, but Lamia curses her so that she will never perceive the star in any way.

It is the middle of the day, and Yvaine is very weary from her injured leg and from being unaccustomed to daytime travel. Tristan ties her to a tree with the magic chain and promises to return with food. A unicorn comes and frees Yvaine and takes her to a roadside inn. Tristan, on returning, discovers Yvaine gone and lies down to rest. The stars whisper to Tristan in his sleep and warn him of Yvaine’s danger from the witches and beg him to save their sister. Tristan awakes just as Prince Primus is passing in his stagecoach, and he manages to hitch a ride. Together they travel to the inn where the unicorn had taken Yvaine. But the inn is actually a trap magically created by Lamia, who is posing as the innkeeper’s wife. Lamia kills Primus, but with some help from the unicorn Tristan and Yvaine narrowly escape using the Babylon candle.

Prince Septimus arrives and determines he is the last surviving son of the King, but he still needs the stone to become king. Septimus learns that it is in the possession of the fallen star and that the heart of a star grants immortality. This knowledge only spurs Septimus’ quest, and he follows the tracks of the witch, hoping to both retrieve the stone and devour the heart of the star so he can rule Stormhold forever.

The candle takes Tristan and Yvaine up into the storm clouds. (Tristan told Yvaine to “think of home”; he thought of his home, she thought of hers, and they ended up half way between.) They are captured by pirates in a flying ship who are collecting lightning bolts. The captain, Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro), interrogates them, and stages throwing Tristan off the ship to his death using a dummy in order to maintain his reputation as a ruthless pirate. After the pirates dock to conduct business with a shady trader, Ferdy the Fence (Ricky Gervais), the crew returns to the ship to see a fancily dressed Tristan aboard. Captain Shakespeare claims Tristan is his nephew and to be granted safe passage. Tristan learns swordplay and Yvaine learns to dance during their stay on the sky ship, and they begin to fall in love with each other.

Captain Shakespeare sets them down by the road to Wall, with only one day left to Victoria’s birthday. Walking along the road, the two encounter Ditchwater Sal driving her caravan to Wall, the same caravan at which Tristan’s father had purchased a glass flower eighteen years previously. Tristran trades this flower for safe passage to Wall, but Sal then transforms him into a dormouse out of spite. Sal is unable to perceive Yvaine because of the curse Lamia placed upon her. Yvaine passes the journey to Wall unnoticed in the witch’s caravan, and reveals her love to Tristan while he’s a mouse, not realizing that he can understand her.

Arriving in the market village, Sal restores Tristan to his human form. Tristan is too woozy to cross back to Wall that evening, so he and Yvaine spend the night at an inn, and Tristan tells Yvaine that he returns her love. Next morning, while Yvaine is still asleep, Tristan cuts off a piece of her hair and goes back to England to tell Victoria that he no longer wishes to marry her. Yvaine wakes up, but the innkeeper garbles Tristan’s message to her so she believes Tristan has left her for Victoria. Meanwhile, when Tristan tries to give Victoria the lock of Yvaine’s hair, he finds that it has turned into stardust. He realizes that if Yvaine tries to cross the wall she will die, and he hurries back to the other side of the wall to find her.

He arrives too late. The slave girl, having seen Yvaine solemnly heading towards the wall, takes over Ditchwater Sal’s caravan and races after her to prevent her from crossing. She stops Yvaine just in time, but then Lamia arrives in Primus’ stagecoach. Lamia confronts Sal and kills her, setting the slave girl momentarily free, before Lamia takes both Yvaine and the slave girl captive and takes them to The Lilim’s castle; Yvaine to be killed and the other to be a servant.

Septimus and Tristan both follow, and encounter each other outside the castle, and the two agree to attack the witches together. Septimus confronts the slave girl first, but recognizes her as his long lost sister, Una, daughter of the King of Stormhold (the ghosts of the other six brothers are delighted to see her). Septimus goes on to attack and defeat Empusa, impaling her with a sword. Tristan confronts the slave girl too, and she convinces him that she is his mother. Meanwhile, Septimus attacks Lamia who uses a voodoo doll to break Septimus’ arm and a leg and then drops the doll into water, drowning Septimus.

Tristan has to vanquish the two remaining witches alone. He defeats Mormo by releasing the caged animals in the castle, and she is mauled to death. Lamia uses the voodoo doll to reanimate Septimus’ corpse to attack Tristan, but Tristan traps the corpse under a chandelier. But then Lamia disarms Tristan, and is about to kill him when she pretends to have a change of heart, and releases both Tristan and Yvaine. It is merely a ruse, intended to restore Yvaine’s broken heart to make it more powerful for her purposes. As Tristan and Yvaine attempt to leave Lamia attacks them again. But Yvaine, now knowing that Tristan really loves her, is able to unleash a powerful wave of starlight that disintegrates Lamia.

Tristan picks up the jewel that Yvaine had been wearing. Una explains that as her son, Tristan is the last male heir of Stormhold. The jewel is restored to ruby red by Tristan’s touch, and Tristan becomes the new king of Stormhold with Yvaine at his side as queen. After eighty years of ruling Stormhold the two lovers use a Babylon candle (a wedding gift from Una) to ascend to the sky, where they become twin stars. It is stated that since Yvaine “gave her heart” to Tristan when she fell in love with him, the two will live forever. And they still live happily ever after in the sky.

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